Member Portal

Do you have a favorite Theta Phi Alpha memory?....or members with whom you remain close? Theta Phi Alpha strives to continue providing experiences and relationships for all members, from new members to alumnae - just like those fond memories you recall. Many sisters call Theta Phi Alpha a home. Your support helps add to our collective experiences and allows us to keep Theta Phi Alpha strong into the future.

As a lifetime member of Theta Phi Alpha's Ever Loyal, Ever Lasting membership, participating in Alumnae Dues is an opportunity for you to give back meaningfully. Contributing a minimum Alumnae Dues payment of $50 (reduced rate of $20 for members who have been an alumna for five or fewer years) makes you an alumna in good financial standing, allows you to serve as a National Officer, and continues to build development programs that help each of us to be who we are meant to be. Your support and involvement help us achieve great things for our sisterhood and home.

This year, we continue our 10-year charm series to honor Theta Phi Alpha's Founders by featuring Katrina Caughey Ward. Add this limited edition alumnae keepsake charm to your collection. This appreciation gift is available to the first 100 alumnae who contribute $100 or more during the year. In addition to receiving this treasured charm, your extra contribution could help a fellow sister who cannot pay their dues but would be interested in volunteering her time and knowledge to the Fraternity. Consider adding an extra amount with your dues payment online or mailing it to the National Office.

Don't hesitate to contact Angela Seegel, Alpha Epsilon, National Vice President-Alumnae, at with any questions or concerns.

*Theta Phi Alpha Fraternity is a 501(c)7 organization; contributions are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. Please note that contributions to the Theta Phi Alpha Foundation do NOT count towards payment of Alumnae Dues or appreciation gifts from the Fraternity.

Alumnae Dues Payment
Optional Foundation Payment
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Credit Card Information